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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh no! We ran out of napkins!

We ran out of paper napkins!  Now that we are counting every penny, what are we to do?  (ok, we ran out about 2 weeks ago, but I wanted to make sure we were successful before I told you about it.) 

Let me emphasize how big of a deal this is by reminding you that I have 3 sons, and my youngest is one of the messiest eaters I have ever seen.  Now when we used the last paper napkin, Hubs suggested we just use the paper towels.. "WHAT?  OMG, do you know what paper towels cost?" may have been my reaction, I will neither confirm nor deny that fact.  Once I stopped hyper ventilating, I calmly suggested we take this opportunity to try using cloth napkins.  However, dinner was on the table, and we don't actually own any cloth napkins.  (I am all for saving the environment and all, but my experience with cloth napkins has been less than stellar, they tend to not be absorbent, and generally not the most effective at cleaning up a toddler).  So what is a gal to do?  Enter in the light bulb moment...  cloth wipes!  About 3 years ago, I bought a huge stack of cloth diaper wipes because I thought I was going to rock at cloth diapering my kid- that was a major FAIL, so I have had the large stack of flannel squares that we have never used.  Perfect!  Absorbent? Check, Soft? check, gets food off our face and hands? check. and as an added bonus- they fit in our napkin holder. 

So our house full of boys has been paper napkin free for 2 weeks.  We use the rule, if your napkin is still clean, leave it folded at your spot at the table, if it is dirty, put it in the basket in the laundry room.  So far so good.


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